Great as always.
Great as always.
Great as always.
Very good
I ordered early, but needed it to arrive on a pretty specific date because we were going to be out of town. It arrived on exactly the right day. So great job with the shipping. The first time I ordered from here, when I thawed the product the bag of ‘gravy’ leaked all over the fridge and was ruined. Not this time. So great job with the packaging. And the food was de-licious!! Only way it could have been better was to have it fresh from the restaurant. So great job there too! Will definitely order again.
First, nothing against Portillo's roast beef, but Vienna's is better (just my opinion) and Malnati's is the best deep dish pizza shipped (and of course actually eating in their restaurants).
Purchased this for a friend who moved from Chicago area. He was longing for an Italian beef sandwich. The ordering process was very easy and the gift arrived exactly on time. Definitely recommend.
Best Pizza and Italian beef sandwiches! So good!!!
great customer service.
Should make for 2 Instead of four
My sister in law lives in Louisiana but grew up in Chicago. She misses the food she grew up on. Taste of Chicago does not disappoint.